
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Traffic Lights

Last week we started thinking about our thinking (metacognition). We designed green, orange and red cards to put out next to our work while we are working. If we are okay with what we are doing we put out a green card. If we can have a go but might need help later we put an orange out, and if we need help straight away we put out a red card.

By doing this we can not only see that we have made progress but students are encouraged and motivated to support each other to succeed.

When we finish our work we self and peer assess by using our pink and green highlighters. We check what we needed to do on our success criteria and then highlight the successful parts with a 'tickled pink' and highlight our next steps with a 'green for growth'.

These two strategies for critical thinking allow valuable opportunities for all students to reflect on their successes and to self select their next learning goals.


This week the students from Kauri class from 2019 shared their expertise with us. They have kindly started to teach us how to care for the ducks. They chose a new group to feed the ducks every morning before school and are giving them ongoing training.


Last week Kauri class started thinking about what they wanted to have in their outdoor learning space. We got into groups based on our agreed criteria (safety, roof design, interior design and furniture).

The students were all quick to share their awesome thinking within their group brainstorms and then they expertly presented their ideas back to the class.